Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Love & Live Cards with Michelle Philippi

I'm not sure why, but everytime I work with the Dance in Sunshine collection I break out in song with that 70s tune "Dancin' in the Moonlight." Know it? It really is an upbeat and fun song. I don't know why they danced in the moonlight - the beat is much more suitable for the sunshine! But I digress now to share a couple of bright and fun cards to beat those cold fall doldrums. I love the warmth of the yellow in this collection - suitable for fall or summer....or even spring, I reckon.

Glitz Design "Dance in Sunshine" Polka patterned paper, Whatnot, Giant Rhinestone and Epoxy Word

Letter to Self.
Glitz Design "Dance in Sunshine" Floral patterned paper, Giant Rhinestone, Whatnots and Epoxy Words

1 comment:

  1. they are so sweet. i wish someone would give me some of those cards.
