Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Learn to Fly" book with Michelle Philippi

I'll be the first to tell you that I don't put a lot of time in to my crafts.
That doesn't mean though that I don't put a lot of thought or heart in to them. I wanted to give my daughter a little book for Christmas. Some sort of female affirmation book. I want her to grow up to be strong and confident and know how much love we all have for her. So I got some coasters and started adhering great sentiments and pieces from Glitz's Dance in Sunshine collection.
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When I was done I had this little Learn to Fly book. I thought this was perfect to start with as that really is my goal: nurture her and give her wings so that she can fly with grace and beauty...all on her own.
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I'm not a scrapbooker so I don't really know if there are rules or an art to journaling, so I just wrote what I wanted where I wanted. She's only 7 so I kinda had to keep it simple.
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I think I love the back of the book just as much as I do the rest of it.
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And here it is all packaged up for Christmas!
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Learn to Fly book.
Glitz Design "Dance in Sunshine" Whatnots, Glitzers, Titles & Journaling cardstock stickers and epoxy stickers; Beautiful Dreamer epoxy stickers

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