Glitz Design is taking Mother's Day very seriously this year! Laura, Ginger and Erin have 12 kids altogether (you read correctly, 12!) When we are not changing diapers, feeding hungry children, or doing laundry we are feverishly designing products for Glitz! So this year for Mother's Day we are taking the day off and anticipating that our husbands and children will wait on us hand and foot! To all Mom's everywhere...Happy Mother's Day! P.S. You should milk this day for all you can- Try to get some uninterrupted Scrappin' done! We want to hear from you...what is the best Mother's Day you've ever had or what is the best Mother's Day you've ever given your mom?
WOW!!!! 12 kids. That is awesome.
The best mothers day was 3 years ago. I was pregnant with baby number 2 and my husband suprised me with a beautiful piano. I had wanted a piano since we got married so it was a huge suprise and wonderful gift.
I have 2 kids.. (and I'm only 24 years old)... My kids are too young to understand it's mothersday.
My greatest mothersday gift was being a mother. I don't want any present from my husband or kids. I just want them next to me... I love my family and I'm blessed with such a great one... My husband is also so supportive in my scrapbooking carier... What else can I wish ;)
Have a beautiful mothers day ;)
I guess today was my greatest mothersday ever.. we wanted to have children so bad and it took over 10 years before our first arrived..
This year I celebrated with my 2 1/2 yo daughter and 5 weeks old son.
Never thought I would be so rich. Feeling so totally happy.
It's the best feeling!
These stories are so sweet!
My best was 2 years ago, I was in the hospital with my 3rd little one, who was born the day before and 8 wks early, we found out that he was healthy and thriving. And that he would get to go home in 2 weeks not the 8 that the drs first thought. So to have 3 healthy babies on Mothers day was the best!
Great stories! I have had a pretty good day so far! I've spent most of the day reading and relaxing. My dad and mom came to my house and cooked breakfast for my family. Then my husband and kids baked me a chocolate cake (and even cleaned the kitchen afterwards!) What more could I ask for?!
Great Post! I awoke this morning to little children giddy with delight, hopping around my bed with their little hands full of treasures for me!!....Then lead downstairs to a homemade waffle breakfast by my husband and 5 children!!
I'm off to clean up.....(ha! guess the "day off" only lasts so long!!)
I don't particularly have a favorite Mother's Day...I just know that I'm very blessed and grateful and each year seems to get sweeter and sweeter! I love my babies(they'll always be my babies!)!
What huge blessings in everyone's lives!!! Mother's Day is so important because this year will be the very first year that my mother and I are actually together in over 15 years!!!! It's nice having her here and that memory is etched forever!
My very favorite memory is last year. I didn't really want anything, but Dayv snuck out and bought me a patio set and what was really cool and sweet is that he and Alyssa took their time in picking in, and actually bought me the one I loved and the colors were bold and fun which is very me!!!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
Any day that I can spend having uninterrupted family time with my kids and dh is a great day! Unfortunately, my oldest woke up with a 101 yesterday :-( so any sort of hiking or outdoor activities were out. So I went shopping instead :-) ended up not being a bad day after all. Even though it felt weird not spending it with my kids.
My resume -scrapbookresumes.com/LauraAchilles
I had the best Mothers Day this year! Parties and spoiled rotten all day! So glad there's one day a year to get pampered w/o feeling guilty
It's always great to reflect on being a Mother. Once a year is always a good time to cherish this sacred role we have as women! This is my favorite time of year and all the blessings I get to enjoy from being a MOTHER!
You ladies look like you have a lot of fun stuff coming...can't wait to see it all!
12 kids are no joke !?! admire you ladies - really ! LOL ... my best mother's day pressie? Probably this year when it coincided with my birthday - it meant presents and uninterrupted trips to the toilet and being able to sit through a whole meal (uninterrupted) !!
Hope everyone had a FABULOUS Mother's Day!! I would have to say every year is pretty amazing for me. My family sure know how to spoil their momma! :) I adore each and every one of them and thank them for making this a special day for me!!
I keep checking for some new sneaks... LOL
I can't wait to play with the papers you send me... I'm so curious what they look like
Good luck with the preparations for the CHA ;)
My best Mother's Day came yesterday. Although my own children had already celebrated with me, my step-daughter who I had a difficult relationship with while she growing up took me to a fabulous resturant and we talked girl-talk all evening long. Just the two of us. She paid the bill, hugged me and said thanks for everything you did for me when I was a brat. WOW, what a gift!
My best mother's day was in 2003 - a few weeks after our adopted daughter came home. I really felt that my life was COMPLETE with my two children in my arms.
This was such a great photo, I posted a link to this post in my photography website- photo interpretations. Hope you don't mind.
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