We are so excited for our upcoming debut that we wanted to give something away Just For Fun! This adorable Glitz Design handbag is filled with some Glitz goodies! Enter a comment and tell us what the oddest thing is that you have in your handbag! We will ~RANDOMLY~ choose a fabulous, lucky winner on Monday!!**Go Tell All The Girlz!
Wow! Super cute handbag! Probably the oddest thing I have in my purse right now is a pair of socks! (We were thinking of taking the kids bowling last weekend and I was wearing sandles so I threw a pair in just in case) :)
OMG that is SO cute! wow!
My purse is pretty clean most days - but the oddest, I guess, thing would be a ball that came from a 3 piece juggle set. I had to take my son to the doc today and he likes balls! lol
It is really cute!!!!
The oddest thing in my purse/diaper bag, right now, is 2 medicine cups, taped together, with my dd's ear tube sandwiched in between them. They were out at a recent visit and one was just sitting in some wax in her ear canal. the doc offered it to me, so i took it. I still don't know what I will do with it.
Weird, I know... :)
Hmmm...I think the strangest thing in my purse right now would be 2 pairs of undies. Don't be worried they are for my 2 year old who is potty training and you never know when you might need a fresh pair! :)
That is one cute handbag...
My purse is pretty plain, I guess the oddest thing would be a huge sheet of coupons to Skippers.
My purse is so small that is pretty much fits the essentials.
I dont carry alot of stuff in my purse like I used to.
BUT I WOULD LOOOVE to win a GLITZY treatie!!!
That is adorable. The oddest thing in my handbag right now is another handbag. I was in a rush this morning and did not have time to transfer everything over so I just put the smaller one in the larger one.
Love that glitz bag!
The oddest thing I have in my purse is a small screw driver. You never know when you're going to need one!
I think the oddest thing in my handbag right now is a yellow highlighter. You just never know ...
Love the glitz bag.
I think this is soooo cute. I would love to know what is inside!!!
The weirdest thing in my purse is... a tampon. That is weird for me because I am pregnant!!! LOL! I won't need one of those for a LONG time! I guess I am your gal if someone else needs one.
hmmm. something odd in my handbag...I cleaned it out fairly recently let me think. I'm being fairly normal at the moment. The oddest thing in there right now is 4 plastic star hair ties of my daughters. Not odd at all really...
dont have a handbag, now thats odd, and yep am a girl....lol
thats cute
that bag is too cute.. right now i have a SNAIL adhesive runner.. was doing some scrappin at work and left it in there..
Hmmmm well the oddest thing in my purse would probably be some icecreamsticks that I saved because they were so very cute :)Who knows where I could use them for one fine day *LOL*
That's the most GORGEOUS handbag I've ever seen wow...
LOL ginger...
Uhmm would it be strange if I told you that I DON'T CARRY A HANDBAG????
Need one immediately ;)One of GLITZ
A periodic table of the elements :)
Uhm.. the oddest thing I'm having in my handbag would be 'nailglue'. I carry it with me everywhere.. I don't have any fake nails.. but when one of my real nails breaks a little bit.. I NEED to glue it directly.. hehe.. (I know.. I know.. this sounds weird.. but it's the truth.. hehe..)
these comments are too funny, and LOVE that bag!!! wow! Ok, so had to actually go check my big bag. There was mostly normal purse stuff in there, but upon digging, I pulled out one of those plastic tags you might find around some bagels... not the twist ties, the other kind, have NO idea how it got there, now that is odd.
Love the colors on that handbag - my own is so plain and basic. Bet there is Glitz Netz inside - really need some of that!
Not so odd, but I carry a metal tape measure with me always. Always want to be ready to make sure something I want has dimensions that will work.
Dog biscuits... tend to end up with them in my purse since I have about a gabillions dogs (okay only 13 but still) and I am always treating them with biscuits.
Hehehe...a screwdriver because my husband always seems to need one! Fun contest and cute bag!
For me it is a Powder Compact- Long time ago done and gone with but I still use the mirrior.
I would dare say it is close to 6-8yrs old.
Norma (localocairis)
WOW that is really gorgeous!! Too cute
I guess the wierdest thing in mine is Ginger Trips-it is a chewable wafer for car/plane sickness. I carry it around and I have never been car sick a day in my life, lol.
That bag is to cute! Weirdest thing in my handbag: a tiny fish filled with soysauce. No idea how it ended up over there!
Oh how beautiful this handbag is and how nice it would look with me holding it.
I would have to say the oddest thing in my suitcase of a purse would be my son's jockstrap cup from his baseball game the other night.I guess I really need to take it out.
Oh my gosh, what a fabulous bag! Let's see... The oddest thing I have in my handbag is a mini glitter Easter egg, from when I worked at Hobby Lobby, designing home accent displays. It fell off an Easter arrangement and it's been in there ever since. Go figure. Lol.
Wierd stuff in my bag?? Where to start. Let me open it and just pick the first thing......how about an unwrapped "female product"? EWWWWWWW. Ok, threw that away. I have two samples of an Origami folded shirt.
BTW, I'd LOVE the so cute purse and what ever comes in it!
the oddest thing in my pocketbook right now is an old theatre ticket that I keep saying I'll put in my scrappin stuff but haven't yet!
I cleaned out my handbag recently, so nothing in it is particularly odd, though I do have my "Key to the (Disney) World" from my trip in January. That's intentional. I like to see it when I'm rummaging through my bag and think, "That was a great trip."
For odd things though, I definitely think Ami has it "in the bag," so to speak. ;-)
I keep my handbag pretty clean... just the normal stuff... money, achpstick, lipgoss, motrin, kleenex, tampons, hairties, tums and so on... ok, so it's kind of like a med cabinet;)
What a fabulous handbag, super cute for sure!
The oddest thing in my handbag right now would have to be a mini screwdriver... the screw in the side of my glasses keeps coming loose,and I can't drive without them!
I carry a disposable razor in case I missed a spot shaving heehee!!!
Probably my siccors, can't go without it!
I actually have a glue gun in my purse right now. I left it at my sister's house last fall. She stuck it in my purse last week and it's still there.
I'm diggin that handbag!
oddest thing in my handbag now.... hmmmm checking now.
Wow, piece of screen from my lanai.
our screen guy came and I took this screen from him KNOWING it would be cool on a layout! lol
wow, that is almost sad huh? LOL
Pick me! Pick Me!
That's one gorgeous purse!!! I'm sure the stuff inside is equally awesome! Let's see ... an odd thing in my purse is ... I'll have to go look. Well, I found my roll of new 41cent stamps! Thanks for making me check there, I thought they were lost, LOL. Oh, and a silver metallic sharpie. I've been looking for that, too!
That is adorable. How generous. I hope I win!!!
The oddest thing in my bag is a box of crayons. I was bringing my younger DD on a bunch of errands yesterday & i grabbed a coloring book & some crayons to keep her occupied.
WOW .. fun fun fun ... okay weirdest thing. Well i went to universal studios on wednesday and had no where to spit out my gum, so i wrapped it in a churro sheet and stuck it in my purse. Put the handbag on the table when i got home and haven't cleaned it out so there it still sits!
um, Yoda is in my purse. Yes, he is.
Hmmmm. . . my purse is pretty small hence it only carries the essentials. I think the oddest thing in there is an EMPTY Advil container! I just haven't had time to fill it!
I would have to say that the oddst ting in my purse right now is a sandwish baggie filled with scraps of material. I carry it with me in case I'm at a store, yard sale, thrift shop or wherever and find some fabric that would go nicely for a quilt.
The oddest thing I have in my handbag right now...would be a set of polly pocket clothes! Yep a whole set...my dd just love polly...and you just never know when she will need a wardrobe change :)
my purse is pretty full of receipts and papers, but the "oddest" is probably my quill pan that is made of a clear plastic feather!
i am known to have a mini rubber duckie in my purse, LOL! my youngest gets fussy and she will either chew on it or she will listen to it squeak until i have time to pay at the store and get out before the real hollering begins:)
I love that bag... wow...
hmm oddest thing in my bag, would be... a rubber stamp, yeah my friend gave me one and I always forget to get it out of my bag. I always remember about it when looking for my keys.
Oh what a beautiful bag! Great look. Now for the oddest thing in my handbag... it is a pipe cutter tool for cutting copper pipes.
TOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!
The weirdest thing in my handbag???? 4 tubes of lip gloss. Lip gloss isn't wierd, but 4 tubes is a bit excessive!
This bag is adorable!!!! I just love it. The oddest thing I have in my purse right now is my teeth! I have a blister and they were hurting my mouth, so I took them out and put them in my purse. When I go to eat tonight, I have to gum everything.
Very cute! Right now the oddest thing in my purse is a Sudoku game. I know, not that weird.
I love that bag!
The oddest thing in my bag is a stone. My daughter found one that she tought was so beautiful, so she asked me to keep it for her. At home she was forgotten, and of course I too.
the oddest thing in my handbag? a shrek light out of a cereal box that I took away from my kids since they were fighting over it!
In my purse I have some type of miniature surfboard which belongs to a miniature penguin from McDonalds. That is the oddest thing in there at this moment.
WOW!! rockin handbag!!
the weirdest thing in my pocketbook??
probably my digital voice recorder. There is NO practical reason for it to be there...hehehe.
What an exciting bag, I love it!!!
The oddest thing in my bag,according to my friends,is my photocamera. I never leave the house without it(scrapaddiction).
(my english is not so good, I'm sorry)
Very cute handbag! I still have my business cards in my purse from a job I had two jobs ago. I also found a dog biscuit which would explain why my dogs have had an unusual interest in my purse lately.
You'll never believe what I found in my bag while I was searching for an odd item to comment about....
I found an ANT crawling around on the bottom! It wasn't exactally what I was going for but it's definitely odd!:o)
adorable purse!! right now I have a purse full of receipts and a gameboy advance!!
Super cute! Congrats on your new company!!
The oddest thing in my purse at the moment is a torn corner of a Curious George fruit snacks bag. Apparently my children think my purse doubles as a trash can!
I have a carpenter's measuring tape - the kind that you pull out of a box and it slides back in when you are finished measuring.
I have a measuring tape, the kind that pulls out when needed and slides back in when you are finished with it
Wow what a cute bag!!!
oops I hit enter too soon--the weirdest thing in my purse right now---a handful of straws--I meant to put them in my toddlers bag in the car, but somehow I've ended up with 2 dozen bendy neon straws at the bottom of my purse, LOL.
I'm lovin' everyone's comments!!! But not as much as I LOVE that bag! As 'daqueen', I need some serious glitz!
The only odd thing in my purse right now is a red 'window chalk writer'. Needed to write on a window of a truck we are selling at my office. Hope it sells! And I really hope I win! :)
the oddest thing that is in my handbag right now is a pair of my daughter's socks. last week, she needed them to play in the playplace at mcdonalds and since it has been really hot here, flip flops are the shoe of choice! i still haven't taken them out. lol!
I love that purse it is so adorable.
The oddest thing that I have in my purse right now is 5 John Adams Gold dollars taped together so that they dont get fingerprints on them.
CUTE CUTE !! oddest thing right now? ... hmm... nothing out of the world. .. scotch tape...
That is the nicest handbag I have seen in a long while. The oddest thing I have in my handbag is underwear. I was visiting with my DD and I knocked her into the children's swimming pool, she grabbed me and pulled me in with her... of course. While she had dry outer clothes that would fit me, not the same with undies... that reminds me, I must go take those out. LOL
cool! the oddest thing in my bag is probably the pen with which to smear insectbites so they won't itch :-)
Love Love LOVE the handbag!!
About the strangest thing in mine right now would have to be my key ring collection. I have more keyrings than keys LOL and my dh hates to drive my van because he has to carry the keys around because they don't fit in his pocket.
Awesome purse!!! Would love to be the new owner of that one.
The weirdest thing that I have in my purse right now would actually be a few things. I have an old key to my daughters car that she had two cars ago! Didn't even realize that one. I also have two power ranger electic toothbrushes in a baggie. They are my sons that I really need to take out of there so they can brush their teeth!!!
BEAUTIFUL handbag...hummm the craziest thing I have in my purse right now is a blank cd...not sure how it got there and actually how long its been there :) Renee'
The strangest thing I have in my purse is a DVD. I need to return it..it's a rental!
What a beautiful, darling, glitz bag!!
OOOh, this is a fabulous bag...I hope it will find his way to the Netherlands...hahaha!
The oddest thing I have in my bag is a partly eaten cookie of one of my twin daughters....
I LOVE the handbag! WOW! I just checked my handbag out, and the oddest item I have in it is a key to the old front door to our house. We replaced it with a new door about 2 years ago. I have no idea why I am still carrying the key for it. Maybe I should go through my purse more often...LOL!
i looked............and way at the bottom, i found........a popcorn kernal! don't ask me how it got there....i haven't ate popcorn in months!
I've got to have that bag!
I just found a $50 crumpled and hidden in my purse! I'm so glad I searched for something odd and found something I needed!
What I found odd is a sample shampoo. Can't remember how that got in there!
For someone who has a 'slight fetish for handbags' ... I'm loving that handbag. It is absolutely 110% adorable.
Unusual in my handbag ... well I just checked and I too had a pair of sockettes, was thinking about 10 pin bowling a couple of weeks ago and popped them in there.
Having had a look I also found some vouchers from a local retail shop from last year with a 12 month expiry - time is running out ...
But to be honest, I don't think anything would be unusual in a woman's handbag - it's her domain and she can put what she likes in there - ROFL.
Hmmm... that is one adorable bag.
The oddest thing in purse today would have to be a hair net. There is a reason and I am not a cafeteria lady! LOL. DD took her bun out immediately after dance class and handed the net and pins to me.
I just pulled out a tiny figure of Mr. Incridible out of my purse today. We just got a set for my 4yr old on sale at the Disney store. Not sure how I wound up with it!
CUTE bag!!!
what a great purse. sign me up.
Is it really that odd to always have a sharpie in my purse? Ginger makes fun of me, but it's come in handy on numerous occasions! I also always have sunblock in my purse...hey I live in Arizona!
wow cute handbag i love!
Oddest thing in my handbag atm is superglue :), never know when you might need it
Beautiful Bag.
Oddest things in my handbag is a collection of my 4 year old son's sticks.Boys.
Cute handbag!!!
Just had a look and the oddest things in my handbag at the moment are a paper clip, sellotape and an old NZ ARMY badge...lol
That is one gorgeous handbag!
My handbag tends to get filled up with old receipts, notes and kids rubbish. But digging through all that I just found at the bottom some fancy lace trim - you never know when you might need to be creative right?
That is so cute! I have a cup in my purse- I can't leave the house without a cup of water and then when I get home, I put the empty cup in my purse.
The oddest thing I have in my handbag right now is a green highlighter - I brought it from work, and I never put it back!
Love the look of the lines!
the strangest thing would have to be a straw from McDonald's.
How cute. can't wait to see ALL your goodies.
Oops, hit "publish" too quickly. The oddest thing in my purse right now is probably some dog treats... but I don't even own a dog.
What a cute handbag!
The oddest thing in my purse at the moment are about 10 marbles with characters of Spongebob Squarepants, Rocket Power and Fairly Odd Parents. You get a marble for each 10 euro/$13 spent in the supermarket. My girls already have the ones that I have in my purse, so I can keep them. How nice!
That bag is AWESOME!!!
I carry a small coach bag so I can't have too much clutter. The oddest thing would have to be random buttons. Anytime I'm out and see a button I pick it up. I have a nice collection for my layouts! :)
Cute Handbag!!!! I would love it for my mother. She is all about glitz.
Ok I have to say that I don't normally carry a purse and the reason being and you can ask my friends I always leave it somewhere. So I went to look to see what was in there and I have to admit this is really sad but only a figner file was in it.
My purse is usually pretty neat...But I did find a fabric sample scrap I must have picked up to see how it would look in the powder room...
i have all of the normal mommy items... including crayons, markers & a matchbox plane ;)
gorgeous bag! The oddestt hing in my handbag is a piece off my tripod - the bit that screws to the bottom of the camera - I think I put it there to hide it from Mr 2 who thinks everything needs his expertise at fixing things ;o)
pretty pretty ! The oddest thing ??.... plastic bag,,,
Well, since I change handbags almost as often as I change my socks I don't keep a lot of extra stuff in there. I'd say a metal bottle cap that my son asked me to hold on to for him.
The oddest thing I have is 2 old cellphones! Why? I have no idea why I'm still hanging on to these!lol!
I love the style of your handbag!!
What an adorable handbag and how much would I love to get my hands on what's inside...lolol
The weirdest thing in my handbag will have to be a tub of pink glitter. For no apparent reason other than that I never got round to take out months ago!
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