New Large Roller Doodles!

5 Acrylic Distressing Stamps in 1 package at an amazingly affordable price! Now you can have lots of distressing options at your fingertips with these new, fun Glitz Distressing Stamps!
(Each individual stamp measures 5'X2'. Glitz Acrylic block sold separately(which also is at an amazing price!!).)

Script distressing stamp example.

Sanded Distressing Stamp example.
As PROMISED...A New Year's GIVEAWAY! We want to share the LOVE of the dawning of a NEW Fabulous Year! Happy 2009!!! Everything you see below in this new REBEL line will go to one lucky winner! Everyone wants a bad boy! Who doesn't love a little bit of REBEL??!! Aren't these colors GORGEOUS?! Ok so leave us a comment and tell us something rebellious you did in 08! C'Mon you know you did something!!! Good luck!!
***Winner will be chosen Monday Jan. 12th, 2009. Winner's goodies will be shipped in Feb.!

Cool sneaks! The most rebellious thing I did was to spend $75.00 at the scrapbook store. I told DH that he was in a $100.00 worth of trouble and he agreed! However, he didn't think I meant it literally.
Love the colors you guys use. Fabulous! I'm not sure what the most rebellious thing I've done is, but I probably wouldn't use the paper for scrapping it. LOL
those are sooo cool!!! not too rebellious here...mostly stuff like reading a good book instead of cooking dinner for the kids! =) LOL! Don't worry, they got fed eventually! hehehe!
I did get a speeding ticket this year! I guess being rebellious doesn't really pay!
What a fun line! Rebelious is my middle name...the question should be what didn't I do in 2008 that was rebelious! LOL!
Awesome new line and goodies!! Most rebellious....didn't clean my kitchen up for a couple of days...I know totally lame but I couldn't think of anything else...
In 2008 I went back to california to visit friends, ate too much food and starbucks and spent over $170 at my favorite scrapbooking store there! YIKES, don't tell my husband!
cool stuff, I know I have some pics that will be awesome with this new line--
very cool loving these stamps!!!!!
Love this- it looks like great paper to scrap my 12yr old rebel!
Rebellion...or got tired of DH dirtying dishes and not puttin them in the dishwasher when he was done so I let them sit their and pile up in the since for 4 days before he finally got sick of them and couldn't even get a cup of water cause HIS dishes were in they
Just love the distressing stamps and that REBEL line, a must have for me!
love the sneak peeks!!!
My most rebellious thing for 2008 - there are too many to list since I am a mother of two college aged sons that are practical jokers anyway. Most of my rebellion was in the kitchen - I didn't use it very often!!!! They can fend for themselves!
I am in LOVE with the distress stamps, and the Rebel line is perfect for my little guy! What did I do rebellious in 2008? I refused to clean the downstairs bathroom because my hubby and son are the only ones who use it and why should I clean up the aftermath of their bad aim?
Nice..gotta love those bad boys ;0)
I love the new line. Can't wait to see more. Good luck to all of those woho enter !
pft... what bad things did i not do in oh eight?? lol that's the question! i'm a rebel at heart, i can't help it. i don't make rules... i breaks 'em!
oohhh, great sneek peeks!!! most of it is on my MUST HAVE LIST, lol. hmm, what did i do that was rebellious in 08?? i secretly bought lots of scrapping goodies, what hubby don't know can hurt him right? lol
cute stuff! hmm lets see what did i do? probably hide some scrap supplies i bought from dh-lol
Hmmm rebellious?? does dying my hair pink count?? Nah that's just FUN! hahaha....I am with lizzie, what did I NOT do rebellious?! LOL I play in the gutter and scrap dirty I am a rebellious soul!
Oh my lordy lordy... I definately need the rebel line wow with 5 boys I am running out of great boy paper and this line is perfect for those layouts of Have of my rebels...
Love and I mean looooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee the sneak peeks
Love all the new goodies. Cant wait to get my hands on those new roller doodles. :)
The most rebellious thing I did in 08 would probably be getting my 3rd tattoo. So it's not that rebellious to me but it could be to others. :)
love the sneak peak of the new products. I think the most rebellious thing i did was to stay up much later then i should reading books. I am mom so being rebllious is kind of hard to do.
I love the distressing stamp set and can't wait to get my hands on it! I just had a baby in 2008, but that's not rebelious! I did sing karaoke one saturday night though (at 8 months pregnant)! That was a sight!!
Rebel what a Cool product name! Love the colors! The distressing rollers look so easy to use! I want one!
I bought a dirt bike and tried to ride it! Unfortunately, I ended up under it and needed knee surgery...but I hope to get back in the saddle agin when it warms up!
Love the rebel line. I can see me using it for my rebel daughter who thinks she is a boy. The most rebellious thing I did in 2008 would be paying cash for scrapbooking supplies so my hubby wouldn't find out! I know I am bad!!!
I want and need those acrylic stamps!!....oh, oh...we're supposed to be telling something rebellious we I guess going joy riding with my ex SIL in her Audi convertible, going to a party, and acting like a teenager...all in one night! It was a blast and it felt good to feel young again! :0)
The most rebellious thing I did? Stayed up until 4AM instead of going to bed at 3AM like I told my mom I was going to. Alright...I'm no rebel but that's about as rebellious as I can get.
I love the distressing stamps!!! In 2008, I rebelled by taking my husband's restaurant gift certificate that he received for his birthday and took a friend out to lunch with it.
fun colors and name for the line; great embellies to match. I'm not to rebellious but scrapping my kids and granddaughter would fit right in.
i left my kids with sister and my husband and I went to Florida without them. great new products.
Whoa! Those stamps and roller doodles are so COOL! As far as rebellion...hmm...haven't done much since college...skipping classes for an entire semester (just chemistry). ;)
O I think I have gone to heaven with all the new goodies. I am a stamp horder so these really put a smile on my face and the REBEL line is gorgeous!! So so happy with what I am seeing right now U all made my day!
super cool stuff here! YUMMY!
Oh yeah ... I'd love a little bad boy. Great looking new line for CHA I can't wait to see it all in person, those distress rollers look quite neat. The most rebellious thing I've ever done was telling off the Athletics advisor when I was in HS because they were not going to allow the flag girls to perform in rallies due to time restraints. I almost got suspended ... but instead I got in school detention and the principal stepped in to make sure Flag got to be a part of the rallies. Funny I still remember this since I've been away from HS for almost 29 years.
wow- these are cool
I guess the most rebellious thing I did was pierce my nose....
I am the most boring person on Earth! I don't do anything rebel-like.
I love the rebel line...very cool. As far as being rebellious...hmmm...I would sleep rather than do housework. I haven't slept good in years due to the stress of school. Now that I have a job, I work a ton and sleep too!!
hmmmm something rebellious?? Let's see...
I got 5 tattoos, one piercing, and played knock knock ginger on my neighbour this year( I know..setting a real good example for my 5 year old son:))
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rebel line..looks delish!!!!
Trace G
I did not accept every invitation I received and sometimes I didn't even rsvp. I just did a no show when it wasn't important to me. Learning to say no effectively.
I'm just a rebel! LOL!! I'm always doing bad things that shouldn't be done. Like going against dh wishes ALL the time. Oh well!
Love the new Rebel line! Can't wait to get my hands on it.
This is so fun. I would love to try it for some of my highschool pics!
silently rejoiced when a horrendous road trip (2000+ miles with 7 kids and a dog) to visit my parents had to be canceled, but told my mom I was VERY disappointed that we couldn't come...yah, that's as bad as it gets! :)
I was very rebellious when it came to controlling my scrapbook spending :D Love that line!
Oh I am so not a rebel, but i do love the paper! LOL
Love it! And ya'll!! I ratted out a nursing classmate for cheating by writing it on my teachers white board. Unfortunately she happen to walk by as I was doing it. Horrible! Oh well!...
If that doesn't suffice I wrote the board of directors at the animal shelter I worked at a 2 page long letter about the executive director without her knowledge. I told them all the nasty, deceiving stuff she had been doing to the animals. Needless to say I was fired ;o)
I am not sure if that is rebellious but both got me into some pretty hot water!
I love the distressing stamps and ALL of the rebel line!
I got a huge tattoo on my foot, but it was a family tattoo - not a skull or any rebellious thing like that. I also stashed some money that some friends paid me to take photos of their families without telling DH about it - spent it on scrappy stuff... but it seems like that is pretty common here with this gang :)
Rebel rebel, youve torn your paper
Rebel rebel, your page is a mess
Rebel rebel, how could they know?
Hot Glitz, I love you so!
I love the colors in this line-gorgeous! I had a mild 08. The most rebellious thing I did was tell off my nosy neighbor.
Non scrappy:got botox!Scrappy? went to a weekend crop! Not rebellious I know-I'm boring!!
LOVE that stampset!! *drooling over it*
Sumthing rebellious i did was that i stoped cleaning the house, just cuz i wanted to teach my fiancé that the house dont clean it self. and yeah, now he does clean at home ;)
Wow, that stampset is amazing, i think im inlove :P
The most rebellious thing i did was to stop making dinner. Wanted my husband to do the dinner sometimes so thats why i stoped :)
Oooh the most reblelious thing I did....skip the Inlaws year for Thanksgiving and spent it with my family instead!!
OMG. I went Gambling!
I also tried to get into a bar. But not to drink. Just to eat. LOL
I turn 21, that in itself is PRETTY rebellious NO?
I love that paper! It's gorgeous!
What a FANTASTIC new line..I can not wait to get my hands on them...Hmmm Rebellious for me was posting on the gutter girl challenge...I did it once in 2008 and plan to do it again in 2009.
I think my most rebellious thing last year was my trip home to AZ I went shopping with my sister and spent way too much money, since I have to spend money to get to AZ in the first place. I came home and got in a lot of trouble! It's not my fault though, we don't have a scrap booking store here!!!!!I just had a baby boy and would really love to have this fabulous gift!
Love, love, love this!!! And those bling stickers in the previous post, cool!!
Rebellious, hmmm. Perhaps decided to go back to work per diem after staying home for 5 1/2 years!
WOW!!!! fun stuff!!! love all the new and hot goodies!!!
most rebellious??? well there have been a few things..LOL I would say scrapping when I should be cooking dinner- happens often.. or maybe telling hubby I don't use the credit card to buy scrappy stuff.. shhhh.
rebellious, well, not really sure - maybe buying myself some scrapping goodies from santa
I was rebellious this year.... as much as my parents are cringing... I had a baby before getting married.
I'm loving that line - would love to win it :0)
OOOh, I am LOVING this new line!
Most rebellious thing, eh? Ya know I was never a huge rebel, I did little things. I did go through a tie wearing phase in Highschool and I also used to wear non matching Christmas socks on race days when I did track and field
Holy I feel really rebellious! I stayed out till 2 am on my Birthday partying it up, with the hubby. No cops were involved, but comparing notes...I feel like a trouble maker!!! LOve the PAPERS!!
That is one awesome line of pps!! Sad as it is, I can't think of anything rebellious I did in 2008 at all! :( Makes me sad...I USED to be rebellious (in my younger days of course LOL)!
I cut off over a foot of hair after years of letting it grow. My DH swore he would hate it if I ever cut it off. I spent years with long flowing hair just because he didn't want me to cut it. Finally about a month ago, I got fed up, chopped it all off to about 2 inches long over all, and donated the pony tail to Locks of Love. He was furious. LOL I felt like a rebel. I loved it. He's used to it now though. So the thrill of rebellion is gone. I'll have to figure out something else to do next!
P.S. That paper line would be perfect for my son, who is following in his Momma's rebellious footsteps. His nickname is Captain Chaos, and he breaks ALL the rules. LOL
I love this line...can't wait to get my hands on it....
Most rebelious thing I did..I decided one day that I wanted to go to Disneyland, I hadn't been in a few years ( I live in AZ), so I grabbed the neighbor's daughter and grandson and off we went, needless to say Kristi wasnt' too happy in the beginnig, but Tiff, and Jonathon and I had a blast...and Kristi got over it! It's not really kidnapping!!!! LOL
Love the sneaks, I really MUST HAVE the grid rollerstamp, and the distressing stamp set is EXACTLY what I've been looking for.
oooh, shame, shame on me...I pilfered some money from the kids clothing budget to buy myself a very cool bracelet. What? I'd spent all my fun money that month on Starbucks and scrapbooking goodies.
Oh I so heart that line... lol Does wearing your Pj's to your child's school with pigtailes in your hair and holding there hand from class to class making sure they turned in their homework...count. LOL
awesome new stuff!!!
not sure I did anything that rebellious this past year.. though I did decide to buy my own Christmas present so I would get something I wanted instead of something stupid!
How cool, I would love to win those papers!
wow love those new bling and that bad boy paper is awesome....sounds like a layout for my hubby...most rebellous thing i did was get a huge mermaid tattoo when i turned 40...that was a long time ago lol
awesome new items! the most rebellious thing I did in 08 was probably call in sick (oh so very sick) and took a couple of "me" days to just relax.
Can't wait to order it! I'm always a rebel! They say cut the paper, I tear it. They say horizintal, I go vertical! I'm the original rebellious scrapper!
I GUESS I HAVE 2 REBELLIOUS THINGS I DID IN ' was got my Victoria Secret skull and cross bones bikini....and 2, was got a 3rd tattoo of my son's name in an awesome kinda rebellious like butterfly....and Okay, so Rebel is by far my FAVORITE LINE ever. I love, love, love the colors and patterns. And I'm not kidding when I say it's my favorite ever, it really really is! I have a son, and it's so hard to find papers that fit the pages I want to do of him and this is definitely it!
Okay first I never win nutting!but man I am praying this will be the one time I am luck and win this!!i have about died and gone to heaven!!!I was rebellious by getting knocked up this year!!Lol
this looks perfect for my son's album. '08... i work at a hospital in the ccu. we aren't suppose to eat at the desk. i had a patient that had to have an RN at the bedside at all times and there was noone to relieve me for my full lunch break soooo , i went and bought my lunch and ate it at the bedside ( i wasn't at the desk ).the pt. wasn't aware of what was going on. you can't be expected to work 12 hours without a lunch break right?
thanks, ms.cheryl
OMG...finally, a line that is so yummy for my family of men! OK, rebellious: it's Harley Davidson all the way, baby!
hmmm...can't think of a thing I did that was rebellious! Must be a goodie two shoes! Great stuff tho!
I have to add another rebeelious act: i went on strike from cooking for 10 1/2 months becuase of nasty commments DSS said to me and DH didn't defend me. I don;t know who was punished more...them or me as i love to cook.
Oh jeepers, I didn't do anything rebellious last year, but I'd still love to win those gorgeous papers!
Rebellious is NOT in my nature. I'm a pushover normally, but I'm the mother of two 14 yr old rebels. This line would be perfect for layouts of my two rascals.
I remember... I was rebel... at work :) I've always been willing to pull more then my weight in workload, but the boss started getting sticky about hours and wages, so I got sticky right back and did my job and NO more. Didn't take long for him to see it my way ;)
OMG... those stamps and paper are so cool!!!Just about everything that I make is distressed, this stuff is a must have!! I am a very boring person ...definitely not a rebel.
I just love the news lines that are coming out! What did I do rebellious in 2008? Well, let just say that my hubby doesn't know the 1/4 of what Ispent in scrapbooking this year...he would be sick I think, or it would be a cause for a divorce...loool
Just love the new line and those stamps are awesome!! I would say the most rebellious thing I did was walking out on a job and leaving my boss with nobody to fill my shoes!!!
Love the rebel line color!! That would be perfect paper for my son (18yrs) and his bands pictures.
The most rebellious thing I did was when my sister and I flirted with the band. We had front row tickets for a concert.
Oh my goodness... I am totally loving this - I am in trouble!!
Alrighty ... hmmm - rebellious - well this year I kinda didn't get on the ball about christmas - i didn't get my tree out the day after turkey day , decorations , etc... but maybe the more rebellios thing was for the first time in forever years i didn't do goodies for neighbors . Ooops - I wasn't feelin to sweeell - so i just said - "oh well" ... and for me that's being a rebell ;-)
love your stuff girlies !!! loves -- shye
I'm not much of a rebel!
Love the colors! The most rebellious thing I did was geta ticket for going 75 in a 55...luckily he was nice and moved it down a little bit, since it was considered
loving all these peeks - can't wait to shop!! I have always been a rebel - rules were made to be broken!!
Love the stuff!! Most rebellious?? Well, I work as a teacher, special ed, and I actually told one of my colleagues to mind her own biz and not trying to re-make my teaching into something she could actually regard as teaching. Yepp, she's really stuck-up and highly regarded at my school. But I know my students very well and I also know what they need to get the grades they want. Was kind of revolutionary since almost no-one dares to question this person.
/Marie K, Sweden fnyssel[at]
HOLY CRAP those distress rollers and stamps are amazing!!!!! The Rebel line is my fav boy line too, just awesome.
Ok, so I'm not really that rebellious. I guess I would say that the most rebellious thing I have done is throw peanuts at a lady that I didn't like. I know, how old am I again? LOL!
I just love the Rebel line. It is great for pre-teen kids. Can't wait to use some. I am pretty lame, so probably my most rebellious thing was to blow off cooking and cleaning for a few days.
What a cool line. Rebellious things--constantly speeding, doing thing bad for my health, and beeing the loudest I can at every hockey game I go to.
Love your new stuff
Oh my! I must have the new glitzer bling stickers, stamps and Rebel!!!!!!!!!! MUST HAVE! Love all the new stuff!! I can't wait to play and play!!
What did I do rebellious in 2008? I'm sure I did a lot of stuff but what sticks out in my mind is when my husband put the presents under the tree for me I peeked when noone was looking! What?! I had to make sure he got what I wanted!
hmm, I guess cutting 12 inches off my hair even though my husband asked my not to was the most rebellious thing I did in 08. Not too rock-n-roll rebel, I know--I got most of that out of my system in h.s. and college!
Rebel line looks awesome and so do those new stamps. Most rebellious thing I did in '08....leave work early to go shopping. Can't miss those sales!! Had to make up those work hours from home even though, technically, its against company policy.
Cool sneaks...and my rebellious activity is to drop the price I spent on scrapbook supplies, I tell my family it's half of what I really spent.
Gorgeous sneak peeks.. love the colors so much! Uhm.. the most rebellious thing I've done?? Hmm.. I'm not sure.. I guess I'm not too rebellious... The only thing that really happened to me last year was: I tripped over a piece of wire.. in the middle of the street.. people all around me... me crying on the ground with my knees al ripped open.. (oh well.. not too rebellious... just unlucky I guess.. haha) XOXO
Love the sneak peaks... the most rebellious thing I did in '08... had a vacation with DH. Just 'me' time!
Love the Rebel line! I guess the most rebellious thing I did was book a trip to Vegas without my husband and kids to meet up with my sister for some fun!
OMGosh! I have got to get my hands on this line! Having 4 boys ranging in ages from 17 - 8, this line is a MUST HAVE. Way to GO Glitz Designs!!! xoxoxo
I could tell you about all the rebellious things we did on my girls weekend/scrap retreat...but then I just might be in trouble!! LOL!!!
Awesome name for this line! What did I do rebellious?? Let's just say well behaved women never make history!
Wow I love that line its great, I got sick of DH leaving his stuff around the house and not putting it away I started hidding it. Still don't know where some of it is :)
Oh, I just love the stamps and the paper line is so cool. The most rebellious thing I did in 2008 was to start speaking my mind more often. No more keeping it inside. Got a few strange looks from family members that weren't expecting it.
That is probably the best line I have seen come out for boys yet!! Completely in love with it!! The most rebellious thing I did as far as scrapping goes, is I used more flowers on my boy pages than my hubby would have liked!! I toughed them up though with lots of metal and distressing, or they were mommy and me pages. After I was done with them he actually liked them, even with the flowers!! Can't wait to get my hands on this line, and your stamps!!
I love winning giveaways and tend to be quite LUCKY, so watch out girls, these fabulous products could be mine! My rebellious activity isn't something I can write about on a public blog! ;)
I am not the rebellious kind of person and I can't think of anything that I did last year. I for the most part thought it was a great year.
Beautiful colors.
I think the most rebellious thing I did was steal a snail from my daughter...and then didn't retaliate when she stole my chicken
I LOVE all the new stuff ladies... I can't wait to play and create with it all! Glitz has done it once again!
What an awesome new line! The most rebellious thing I did was to spend big bucks on a Newfoundland puppy who's name is Count Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich Graf von Zeppelin! We call him Zeppelin and he's a total Rebel!!!!
WOWZERS! I am in love with those new rollers and distressing stamps! Yummy I can't wait to play! I would be so happy to win that rebel line too!!! The most rebellious thing I did last year was run a red light(on accident not on purpose) but I felt a little rebellious!
Verry Nice! Love the new stuff.
Love the sneeks. My most rebellious activity was sneeking out of the house as a teenager to go to a Frat party. When I got Mom was waiting.....I was grounded for six months!
I went TP-ing with my teenage kids!I'm such a rebel! I would love to win this rebel paper to scrap all about our TP night! Loving all the new Glitz stuff!
thanks for the sneak peak. great stuff. wasn't too rebellious in 2008. i tried skiing even though i am scared of hitting a tree - guess that is a bit rebellious!
Great line! The most rebellious thing I did in 08 was to go on a girlfriends-only trip with my friends. We had a great time!
I love the new rebel line--perfect for my wild family! I am rebel through and through! My motto is "well-behaved women rarely make history". Let's see does "taking advantage" of your hubby in the backyard in the middle of the night count as rebellious??!!??
I guess mine would have to be spending more money than I should have on scrappy products! Love the new goodies and cannot wait to see more!
I LOVE this line and really love the stamps and rollers. Fantastic and will really need to get my hands on those!
I guess the most rebellious thing that I did this past year would have been at my final hearing for my divorce. I made sure that my ex was going to be responsible for the second mortgage that we had in both of our names, and asked the judge if the ex would be held in contempt of court if not taken care in 6 months time. The courts ruled in my favor.
I'm loving all the new Glitz products! I really hope I win! Pick me, pick me, pick me!! I think I'm pretty rebellious at heart. I think I'm talented at practical jokes which sometimes gets me in trouble!!! Love your new lines ladies!!!
I LOVE the colors! I am not rebellious:( I plan on becoming a rebel in 2009:)
I'm not very rebellious, but I have gotten 2 tattoos this year...does that count?!?!
I've NEVER won anything, so pick me...pick me!
I didn't mean for my comment to go "anonymous", so I'm trying to repost with a name.
You girls always do such amazing work!
Hmmm most rebellious? Probably buying a motorcycle completely against my hubbys wishes! hey its cute!
love your new line!!
I applied for a new job in our organization. I stood up to my family and asked them to mind their own, big step for me!! Quit answering the phone on my days off..hee hee.
For me i took a few weeks off work when i wasnt really that sick, i was run down and feeling very blah, i work for myself so it was only me i was hurting.....
looking forward to a better year this one
loving the sneaks, love cha time
Hi there,
This line is sooo grungy and funky -luv it,
o.k some thing rebelious, now this is really naughty but I needed a weekend, I pretended I was unwell with bad headaches ect.. to my darling husband so he would shoot off with the 3 kids to his mum's for the weekend so I could get some scrapping done - for the masters, and damn I nearly forgot about that untill you guys refreshed my memory , lol!!
Wow these products are great. The best I have seen thus far coming to CHA winter. Love all the stamps and the REBEL paper line is fun, great for boy pages.
my 2008 was not too naughty...but i would say my rebellious moment was booking an appoinment to "just see" a puppy that needed a home...needless to say, we brought him home that evening with us! :) hee hee hee
Too many stories to tell, lol, but when I was in highschool my parents were so strict! I climbed out my bedroom window to go hang with the kids in the neighborhood. While I was out I heard my mom calling for me. Dang, someone had called the house for me. Next time I decided that 9 pm was a little early to sneak out!! Needless to say, I have a 5 year old boy that the Rebel papers would work great for. Just hope he isn't following in my footsteps!
I'm loving all the new lines! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you pick me! Rebel looks like so much fun to play with!
Last year was a fun year! I think the rebellious thing I did was drink out of the milk carton when noone was watching! Gross I know! But I did it!
In LOVE with the new lines ladies! Great products as usual!! I can't wait to see them all in person! Thanks again for another fantastic giveaway!! Rebel is my middle name!!
The most rebellious thing I did in 08 was to get my new ATV at age 48!! I've been out on the trials and having a good time with a great bunch of people!! But as far as scrapbooking...this is one of my favorite things to do and the ATV isn't allowed to cut into that time. Always looking for some goregours pp's and stamps and distressing tools, always a good ting!!!
I love sneak peeks! And wow what a wonderful giveaway!!
Love this new line - always looking for cute boy lines! Let's see - got on a DT to required way too many DT weekend crops - loved it!
The most rebellious thing I did was eat and eat and eat...I ended up gaining 15 lbs last I need to get on the band wagon. I sooo love that whole LINE..and although I may not be a REBEL...I've got a 20 month old little BOY who IS!!!!
Loving the new sneaks! The most rebellious thing I every did was go on strike from house work so the kids could see what would happen - they did start helping me again for about a month = hmmm I think I need to stage another rebellion!
Oh, my! I am LOVING these! How much fun!!!!
OMG! I just *heart* these goodies!! So much fabulousness wrapped up...too much goodness for words to describe!!!
Rebellious....oh yeah....let's see....oh there are quite a few....and some very not appropriate for public blogs (blush) about taking some random guy's dare to sing "I'm Too Sexy" (and to dance to it) for kareoke and he bought the entire place a round (for my BFF's bachelorette party....) yep...worked it there.... :)
Cool new products! I'm in love with the new stamps! I'm going to be drooling over these until they get into my LSS! I love Glitz!
I don't have any juicy rebellious story to share...although I wish I did!
Kari Baur
Fun sneaks!! Goodness though, I am not much of a rebellious/adventurous person. Hmmm... maybe staying at Target so late (and ignoring their closing calls) that they started to turn out the lights on my and my friend. Maybe not as rebellious as it was rude huh?! :D
OMG, I love the REBEL line.. I WANT IT SO BAD.....
most rebellious thing of 2008... I let my husband cut my hair....
Needless to say, I support a hat now when I go out in public!!!
LOVE, Love, LOVE this REBEL line!!!Perefect for all of the sneaky, mischievious things my FIVE boys get caught doing!!! The new distressing stamps are looking pretty awesome too. Can't wait to get my hands on this.
love all this new! the most rebellious thing I did was did what I wanted to do for the holidays instead of what was expected....and had a ball! :)
Love this so much!!
i left my kids with sister and my husband and I went to Florida without them. great new products.
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